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Guys app Privacy Policy

  Privacy Policy   This Privacy Policy outlines the privacy practices associated with the AppsGeyser Service and covers our treatment of personal information that we collect when you install a mobile application that uses our Service. Please note that we are not responsible for and have no control of any mobile application’s (including the Affiliated Application’s) privacy practices and have no control over how the developer of a mobile application collects, uses or shares information about you. For information about how a mobile application collects, uses or shares information about you, please see the applicable mobile application’s privacy policy.     Information We Collect From You   When you install an Affiliated Application on your device that uses our Service, we may automatically collect certain information from your Android device, device make and model, mobile web browser type and version, IP address, MAC address, the device’s operating system’s make and version, locale infor

How to grow gaming channel.

How to grow your gaming channel.... For growing your gaming channel you have follow some tips to grows your gaming channel Tip1 For growing your gaming channel like YouTube channel, twich channel, Facebook channel etc you should regularly upload one video and make sure also to do daily stream on your channel on fix time.... Tip2 For growing your gaming channel. You have to upload gameplay of famous games not upload video of not famous games . Please upload a video of games that played by famous gamers of your country. Tip3 For growing your gaming channel. You have not make video like download links of games because it will harm your channel then please upload a video of only games like that famous in market. Thank you for reading our this blog we know if you follow this rules then you got more subscribers and views 5.4k people like this 12 people dislike this Please support us....

How many earning of Techno gamer

Hello,friends today we are going to show earning of Techno gamerz according to google and YouTube  According to search Techno gamer earn more than 15 lakh in one month  If you are not bealiving me then please checkout video which show earning of Techno gamerz Video link: Who is Techno gamerz  Techno gamerz is one of the best GTA 5 gamer of India and world he earn more money according to all gamerz of India  If you like this knowledge then please subscribe us on YouTube channel Support us on YouTube

Download GTA 5 in 100mb

Hello, friends today we are going to share how to download GTA 5 in 100mb  It is true to download GTA 5 in 100mb we also giving download file to download GTA 5. We think to explain you to how to download GTA 5 in 100 mb there are three tips to download GTA 5 in 100mb  We also know 90% percent are Indians who reading this blog so we giving some videos to how to download GTA 5 in 100mb Tips :1 Video Link:  How to download GTA 5 in 25mb Link:  Download GTA 5 It is trusted options to download GTA 5 in 25mb 24.1k people like this  231 people not like this Tips:2 Video Link:  How to download GTA 5 in 120mb without graphic card and 2gb ram This tip is one of the best tip in the world with 1000% true link to download GTA 5 Link: Download GTA 5 45.4k people like this 15 people unlike this Tips:3 Video Link: How to download GTA 5 in 100mb This tip is also one of the best tips to download GTA 5 in 100mb Link: Download GTA 5 in 100mb 54.5

Asking question for our new game Missing you....

Hello,friends we are writing this blog for asking something about for our new game which name was Missing you.... If someone don't know about our game we clarify that this game was made in India and this one was open world game with beautiful graphics We also try to make comfortable this game ,Now I want to ask some thing for our game: Question 1 Which type of game you want? Question 2 Which type of character you want? Please give answer in comment box... Only this time we want some answers we want for our game, If we want some more answers then we ask from this website to you More details

New game was making in India

Hello, Friends we are working on our new game which name was Missing You.... We are working on it from today for more details you regularly check our blogs in this website. I am very happy to say that we are working on new game which one was open world game,It was making in unity game engine with more beautiful graphics. The main character of game  launch soon.... , and it set up on India and it also make in India, We are doing our hard to complete this game on 2021 and it come on pc,we also try to publish in steam,epic games or Xbox. We also want some donations to make it more comfortable game then please support us  More about game: Game Name: Missing You.... Made in : Unity Game Engine Based on: Indian story For more details please check our YouTube channel: Channel Poster launch soon....

About Mad Max

Mad Max Mad Max might be the perfect fit for a player who wants the thrill of GTA 5 but does not have the graphics to support it. The game centres around a post-apocalyptic world, where survival is dependent on how badass your car is. The open-world gameplay sends you on deadly missions to scavenge and build the most exceptional vehicles ever. Details Mad Max  is a 1990 NES game developed and published by Mindscape Inc. based on the film Mad Max 2. The object of the game is to survive life in the post-apocalyptic world by battling survivalists and collecting resources. Mindscape did developed another Mad Max game originally title  The Road Warrior  for SNES and Sega Genesis, but due to Mindscape losing the license before completion they changed the title to  Outlander  to avoid legal issues and was released in 1992 for Sega Genesis and SNES. Later, in June 2013, it was revealed at E3 that developer Avalanche Studios would be developing a video game based on the setting of  Mad Max . Th